Eco Flow

Water Purification Unit 4/6 m3.

Our mobile water purification units are available from 4 – 6 m3/h mounted on trailer or skid. Designed to purify surface water from lakes, rivers or wells with turbidity up to 800 N.T.U. The unit is capable of producing drinking water free of physical and bacteriological contaminations.

The purification system has been used and proven it´s liability in emergency-situations for more than 20 years. The latest version with modifications was released in 2014.

Treatment process:

  • Suction and straining (diesel/solar motor pump)
  • Flocculation / Coagulation (alum sulphate – anionic/cationic polymer)
  • Filtration (sand and carbon filter)
  • Disinfection (inline venturi) - HTH Chambre.

Packing list:

  • Diesel Motor-pump, with accessories and spare parts
  • Flocculation and turbidity kit
  • Hoses
  • Tool-kit
  • Consumables

Mechanical Warranty:

12 months from the date the goods are taken into use



From 4 m3 per hour.
Package includes media for 12 months of use.


From 1 pallet, 60 cm x 80 cm x 100 cm


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Eco Water AS

Med kvalitet i fokus

Eco Water har oppdrag for kunder innen handels- og servicenæringen, landbruk, dental, skips- og offshoreindustri.

Eco Water er, gjennom kontinuerlig forbedringsarbeid, nyskapende og innfrir kundens krav til samarbeid, kvalitet, miljøhensyn, dokumentasjon og leveringstid.

Eco Water er miljø- og energibevisste og vi har alltid som mål å redusere uheldige miljøpåvirkning gjennom våre løsninger og produkter.